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Clearview Youth Football

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Clearview Youth Football And Cheerleading

News Detail


Jan, 2024

Clearview Parent/Guardian/Spectator Code of Conduct

The core values of the Clearview Youth Football and Cheer (CYFC) program are teamwork, discipline, respect,
commitment, hard work and good sportsmanship. Adherence to these values provides a safe and structured
environment for CYFC participants. To enhance and enforce these values and to protect all CYFC
participants, the following Code of Conduct shall be observed and obeyed by all who participate in or attend
any CYFC events, regardless if the event is home or away.
CYFC cannot and will not tolerate any verbal or physical abuse of its coaches, players, other spectators, Board
members, officials, opposing coaches, opposing players and opposing spectators from any parent, player or
anyone else whatsoever.

*Parents will bring child(ren) to practice/games on time and make an effort to ensure they are suited up and
ready to play or cheer.

*Parents are not permitted on any game or practice field unless requested or instructed by a coach. Simply,
entering the field of play at any time without permission from a coach is prohibited.

*Parents will not coach unless they are on a coaching staff.

*Parents will not interfere with a coach's guidance or publicly contradict the said guidance in front of players.

*Parents will place the emotional and physical well-being of their child ahead of a personal desire to win.

Winning is a byproduct of preparation, hard work and discipline.

*Parents/spectators will accept the decisions of the game officials on the field. You may not agree with the
call, but their decisions are final.

*The use of profane language or language deemed detrimental to any spectators, players, coaches or officials
is prohibited.

*Parents will treat other spectators, coaches, players, and officials with respect, regardless of race, sex, or
ability, and in return, CYFC participants, their parents and families shall expect to be treated with the same.

*Parents will be responsible for the actions and conduct of all of their guests (including other family members)
in attendance at any CYFC event.

*Parents must wait 24 hours to address a coach about any contentious subject, including but not limited to,
playing time. Either the involved coach or parent can, in their discretion, notify a CYFC Board member. If
necessary, member(s) of the Board may set up a meeting and/or attend the meeting.

*If a parent needs to speak with a coach they must do so off of the field. This is for the safety of all participants.
If it is a sensitive matter, it must be done privately and outside the hearing of other coaches, players, and

*No smoking, vaping, alcoholic beverages or use of illegal substances is permitted at any of our games or

*Parents will refrain from using social media to bash or question the integrity of CYFC or any league in which
CYFC participates or is a member. Any personal issues with CYFC or any league should be brought to the
attention of a CYFC Board member. Social media includes but not limited to: X (formerly Twitter), Facebook,
Newspapers, Instagram, Blogs, etc.

Consequences of Behavior

*Any adult who verbally abuses, attempts to verbally intimidate or does not control his/her language or actions
with any CYFC player, CYFC coach, CYFC Board member, official(s), opposing coaches, opposing players
and/or opposing spectators, will be asked to leave the event by a CYFC Board member. If the spectator fails
to leave upon request, law enforcement authorities may be called to intervene. The CYFC Board will review
and reserves the right to implement any further disciplinary actions.

*Any adult who physically assaults or attempts to physically intimidate any CYFC player, CYFC coach, CYFC
Board member, official(s), opposing coach, opposing player and/or opposing spectator will be banned from
CYFC. After one year, the parent may apply for reinstatement. CYFC may, at its discretion, lift the ban. The
term physical assault includes, but is not limited to: hitting, slapping, pushing, spitting, kicking or striking in any
way with any part of the body or any physical implement.

Parents or family members in repeated violation of any of these rules may be subject to disciplinary action that
could include but is not limited to the following:

❖ Verbal warning by official, head coach, and/or the president of CYFC
❖ Written warning
❖ Parental game suspension with written documentation of the incident kept on file
❖ Parental season suspension
❖ Player season suspension
❖ Player banned from CYFC indefinitely


Clearview Pioneer Youth Football And Cheerleading
PO Box 564 
Mullica Hill, New Jersey 08062

Phone: 856-870-7364
Email: [email protected]
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